Saturday, November 19, 2005


I've had noticeable tinnitus for the past few years. I don't know how it happened and I think it has something to do with my back pain. I thought it was due to a tooth problem that needed a root canal, affecting my nerves. However, after that procedure, the tinnitus went on.

It decreased my interest in music. Loud, sharp sounds hurt. They can make me dizzy. I can't wear earphones for extended periods of time. This is why I'm not too interested in portable music players - though I want to get one to listen to podcasts of lectures.

This is also what encouraged me into a PC silencing project last year. PC fan noise really hurts.

About a year ago I saw an ear specialist for this and took a hearing test. My hearing is perfect. It just has the ringing sound on top, when it's quiet. Sometimes it becomes loud for a few seconds.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Foot Cast for Orthotics

I got my foot cast in plaster for my orthotics. I should get these in my shoes in a week or two. I was measured to be 2 cm longer in one leg. The new soles should correct this.

Myotherapy Massage

I got my first myotherapy. This is a massage for relaxing muscles by applying pressure. This hit some points where I was aware of some sore spots. The pain was present when touched, but afterwards it feels good.

Then I got stretching. My hamstring is tight. I don't get to stretch much since I don't have a sport at the moment.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Neck and Upper Back

I wasn't aware of anything wrong with my upper back until the chiropractor and physical therapist found it. Now, I feel it - I have some strain on my left side. Blame this on bad computing posture.

Feet and Orthotic shoes

The chiropractor noticed that my shoes were wearing out the wrong way. This was because I am walking unevenly. One of my legs is shorter. I don't know how this happened since I didn't have spine x-rays before. However, I know that I've always been flat-footed and I was born club-footed. I wore leg braces.when I was a baby.

I've changed my shoes. It's hard to buy shoes since my feet are wide and local stores don't often carry those. I will have my feet cast so that I can wear orthotic soles.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Visit to the Chiropractor

I went to see a chiropractor. He saw that:

  • my back was tensed up as if it I were stressed - well I guess I am even if I'm fully conscious of it
  • my right leg is shorter than the left
  • my shoes were bad and how the heel wore off showed off my uneven walking. I should change to orthodontics/orthodontic shoes.
I got a pre-massage from a physical therapist with electric current, then the treatment proper which was like wrestling and popping my bones.

Now my whole back hurts. I guess it's part of the treatment since I previously unaware of the pain. I was blocking it out.

A day later, I went to get X-rays of my spine.

Will these home remedies will help with pain?

Monday, November 07, 2005


When the lower back aches, it goes up to the head. I think I may have something else in the right side of my back since it hurts too. The numb pain lasts throughout the day and affects my mood. It's not "pain" pain most of the time, but since it stays constant it puts me in an irritable state.

Then when it really shoots, it hurts my head as if it were warm. It's not the usual throbbing type of headache.

I don't take medication and I just bear with it.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Computing Pain

I am 31 and have been using the PC since I was 12. Not under optimal conditions. While it has been good for my career, it has been bad for my health. I've had problems with my eyes. Now, I'm focusing on my pain.

I have:
  • lower back pain, giving me nonstop low-intensity headaches, making me irritable
  • wrist pain. the bone too. mostly on the right. I am right handed.
  • elbow pain. I made a mistake for months, working at home and leaning my elbow on part of the table.
I'm going to have myself checked next week. One advice I see is - get exercise. Yes, I lack exercise and I'm overweight.